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Midwest Restoration Contests and Activities!

Welcome to the Ultimate Monthly Contest Extravaganza with MWR! Each month, we release a new contest where you can win fun prizes, gift cards, and more! Additionally, we provide a variety of engaging activities suitable for both you and your kids to enjoy. From mind-bending puzzles to exciting challenges, there’s something for everyone! Feel free to share the excitement with your friends and join us for non-stop thrills, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Join the MWR Monthly Contest today and let the fun begin!


  1. No Cheating allowed! These activities are all about having fun.
  2. If you win a prize one month, you can not win the next month. (But you can win again, as long as you have one month in between each win).
  3. You must submit your completed activity (you can submit them here or with the button at the bottom) before the end of the month to be entered. Correct answers will be entered in a drawing to win a prize!
  4. If you don’t fully complete it, its ok! Submit what you have!
  5. When submitting your answers, please also provide your name, address, and email so we can contact you if you win!

Congratulations to Madison Edinger from Kaukauna, WI on winning our February contest!

Congratulations to Ellyn Schroeder from New London, WI on winning our March contest!

MWR Coloring Pages

Click on the Pages below to print out and color! When completed, feel free to submit them to our team here so we can share them on social media and add them to our wall!